Organizations We Have Supported

  • Labor Notes conference picture

    Labor Notes


    Labor Notes brings together activists who want to put the movement back in the labor movement, producing a monthly newsletter, organizing a biannual conference, workshops and schools to provide training and mutual support to union activists throughout the country.

  • TDU picket line

    Teamster Rank & File Education and Legal Defense Foundation (TRF)


    TRF is the educational and legal arm of Teamsters for a Democratic Union, the national rank and file movement of Teamster members working to build a more democratic, militant Teamsters union.

  • UAWD rally

    Unite All Workers for Democracy (UAWD)


    UAWD is a grassroots movement of United Auto Workers members committed to building a more militant, democratic and transparent UAW, accountable to the members. UAWD was a leader in the successful fight in 2021 for One Member One Vote in the UAW.

  • Rideshare Drivers United (RDU)


    RDU is a grassroots organization of Uber and Lyft drivers united in building a fair, dignified and sustainable rideshare industry. RDU is a driver-led organization rooted in worker democracy, grassroots action, and labor rights, with chapters in Los Angeles, San Diego and the Bay Area.

  • UCORE conference picture

    United Caucuses of Rank-and-File Educators (UCORE)


    UCORE is a growing network of caucuses within teachers unions around the country which brings educators together in yearly conferences and monthly meetings to provide mutual support in building stronger, member-based unions.

  • Southern Worker Justice Campaign


    The Southern Worker Justice Campaign (SWJC) is a project of UE Research and Education Fund. SWJC works with public sector workers to build a mass movement of Black, Brown, and immigrant worker-leaders across the South to stand up for workplace justice and take the lead in broader social movements for change.

  • Rank & File Project


    The Rank & File Project recruits, educates, and supports young activists to find union jobs and build their unions into strong, fighting, democratic organizations.

  • Essential Workers for Democracy (EW4D)


    EW4D is uniting and organizing members of the United Food and Commercial Workers to build a member-powered union that takes on big battles and organizes the retail industry.

  • Virginia Caucus of Rank & File Educators


    VCORE is a network of leaders and workers committed to building a union from the bottom up to defend the interests of education workers and an education system that serves the community.

  • Caucus of Rank & File Electrical Workers (CREW)


    CREW is a new national group of electrical-trade workers working to uproot the corporate model of craft unionism and build a solidarity union which can outreach and grow. 

  • Movement of Rank & File Educators (MORE)


    MORE offers a democratic vision for the leadership of the 186,000-member United Federation of Teachers of NY. They are growing – and  empowering members to take leadership in the schools and in the union to fight for a just and equitable school system.

  • Caucus of Rank & File Entertainment Workers (CREW)


    CREW, a caucus formed when IATSE imposed a rejected contract, believes that workers who help to create the art that gives enjoyment to people’ lives deserve a voice in working conditions and in their union.  SJSF also provided a small seed grant to the Rank & File Caucus of ACTRA Performers (RCAP)